Insomnia in pregnancy and in new parenthood can be torturous. Many women present to our service with frustration and exhaustion related to insomnia. Women report feeling 'tired but wired', with increasing pressure to sleep when they can, and resulting low mood or anxiety when they can't. The 'bedtime battle' can become an anxious loop of fearing not sleeping, imagining not coping the next day, thereby stimulating the brain in ways that ignite alertness, and prohibit sleep. Interestingly, little research has been done in this area.
Sleep experts and researchers at the Royal Women's Hospital and Monash University are investigating this phenomenon in their efforts to design treatments that best support women to manage sleep disturbances. They are seeking participants for this important research. Can you help? The SMILE Study is recruiting first-time mothers who are less than 32 weeks pregnant. As a part of the project you will be allocated to 1 of 3 sleep programs and receive either: 1. A new ‘smart’ bassinet designed to help baby’s sleep. 2. Sleep information and strategies via email at 6 different times during pregnancy and after your baby is born. 3. A booklet containing sleep information and sleep hygiene. The programs are completely free, and you can receive up to $60 in gift vouchers as a token of thanks for participating. All aspects of participation are completed from the comfort of your own home via the internet or telephone! For more information and sign up, click on the link below. Royal Women’s Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee Number: 19/17 Comments are closed.
AuthorPosted by Dr Renée Miller Topics